Friday, July 8, 2011

Journal entries [circa 2001-2007]

There is a lot more to these entries than what I've extracted - but for your sake I have omitted the less coherent parts or parts that paint me less sane than I am comfortable.

What we can invent is bounded by our imagination, and our imagination is bounded by the mental material we have to manipulate. Until one thinking entity (computer?) knows everything the word impossible will always exist.

Science is also a religion.

"He who does not cherish life stands to lose it carelessly."

Please don't fear the reaper.

I am surprised at myself for having a document of this kind. I am obviously either exploring my own creativity or I really need a friend.

I am a mystery, even to myself.

#7 (13/6/04 "Our Betrayal")
Truth is for the ignorant
Faith is for the blind
Hope is for the meek
Trust is for the inept
Love is what those unable to support themselves
or satisfy themselves have for those entities
they cannot be happy without
Hate is for those too prided in themselves
to admit their own weaknesses
I have the choice to be satisfied or not
Emotion is for those who will die
to make the meantime more interesting.
Death is for the impatient
I didn't need to live, no one did
I never gave consent to be created
Life is for those out of control
Give me power, give me strength
give me satisfaction but not a reason to live
Just give me the reasons we know
and acknowledge our own existence
Fear me for I am NOT YOU
For I fear You for not being ME
Jesu art our saviour, in our blindness
we have stumbled from the path
make us right
in the eyes of our Father

"You dare go where angels fear to tread."

Who am I to be so luck ridden?


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