Sunday, May 15, 2011

Live Below the Line

I know change is generational, and that the collective memories of a population inspire apathy towards the future beyond their lifetime. But to me this is all there is. An all consuming desire for a future free from intolerance, injustice, greed and callousness.

I will be the change, part of a new generation of individuals who will go forth with a purpose beyond our years. I will make a statement of our intent through actions, not words. Like the african proverb, "each one, teach one", for the greatness of the human spirit is not in the individual but in the love we have for our fellow beings.

There is nothing I can type here, or say to you over the internet or in person that will convince you of my resolve. So it will be by my actions, in the public sphere, that will prove to you my purpose.

I am but a steward, and my reign is short, but I am here to ensure that the future of this domain is secure.

Right now there are 1.4 billion people living in fatal conditions, in a spiral of poverty, in a state of extreme poverty. If one of this number were part of the Australian population they would have $2 in their pocket at the beginning of each day. This constitutes the greatest challenge of extreme poverty - having to choose where to spend your $2 - often in a climate of food shortages, political unrest, racial and gender vilification, and economic oppression.

I paint a grim picture - but with your help we can erase this from the yet to be written future.

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