Thursday, December 9, 2010

memories of trauma are not processed the same as regular memories but remain imprinted onto your nervous system and can manifest themselves in motions, emotions or sensations, ticks, spasms, traits, phobias etc.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lesson 1

I've decided to run these lessons chronologically. As nobody skips lessons.


I remember the week I thought this up, of course since then science has come to the rescue. But this marks the beginning of my questioning of it all, and concurrently why I've had to remake myself.

To my close friends and intellectuals I describe the lesson through the following hypothetical: (i'll go through the scientific answer later)

Imagin for a moment that you are holding a brick. A big, red brick. A rather clean and unbroken brick. But a brick intended for a house indeed.

Now cut that brick, Dear Reader, with nothing but the sharpness of your mind. Leaving a clear divide between what you now hold. A brick in two halves.

It is at this juncture that I ask you, Dear Reader, to wonder as to what you now hold. The brick in two halves, or two half-bricks?

This question seems irrelevant; a brick divided in two is surely two pieces of a once whole brick, but we miss the point that the brick is still there, the sharpness of our minds hasn't left a crumb behind, so all of 1 brick is in front of us, despite it's depart from wholeness.

What I want you to be thinking of, Dear Reader, is whether you can still consider it a brick after you have cut it not only once, but many times. So again, say, we have a brick in many parts.

But see now - we - with our sharpness of mind, can cut this brick many many more times. Infinitely so. But yet a brick we still have, no?

What I am trying to show you is the fallibility of a construct, that a brick is more than an object. A brick is it's conception, it's application, it's fate and final purpose. A brick is a humble title for a simple object but who's purpose is greater than it's mass.

What I ask of you Dear Reader is to wonder at the bricks past and future. And wonder at it's purpose.

As a brick is made of clay, when did the clay know of it's purpose, let alone it's title it would take up?

Just as Adam before us was bust of dust and clay, as our hypothetical brick, he had no idea of his purpose, make, design, or fate.

I draw this biblical reference for sheer writers joy in the comparison between a man, of all his faculties, being made of the same components as a brick.

For if we do not rank merit for the past, present and future of a brick that we can destroy, then the brick is no more a brick as only part of a house broken into many parts.

For I ask you too, to think of yourself as both divisible and indivisible, while holding the same values and virtues.

So, my dear Reader, you are still reading?

You are a person, and a whole entity, not a torso and a set of legs. Shapely though they may be. But as a brick is to a house, you too are to the world.
So yeah, blogging is all cool. My memory sux as a general rule of thumb. So i'm going to start blogging on my lessons, and a little explanation of each. Now also note that I have made an overrule that nobody skips lessons. That said, please be sure to read this blog from the start and to make sure you know who I am. I would hate to think you Read this and Die.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Potential is proof enough.
Is proof good enough?
Not for the world.

Can two states of mind coexist in one head?
Peace will be fickle.

There is only my will.
And so I will preside over this unlikely union.

I now pronounce you robot wishing to experience perihelion and homosapiensapien.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Navel gazing

If you look deep enough you will only find a mirror.

At the bottom of the abyss is a mirror to show you how far you have come.

Old verse - still new

When you burn through the flames that have engulfed our world, you burn a brighter shade of divinity. For too long has victors guilt betrayed our will. As then, and now. Daeldala betrayed us.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Explanation 1:
Blog name: "Weep now, to let me see your pain"
Acknowledges the subconscious purpose of physical responses to emotion.

Explanation 2:
I existed to created this but now it is defined by my lack of coherent entries.

If you expect more, comment this post. Peer pressure works wonders.

Monday, May 24, 2010

yeah totally

economics is a science based on statistics. Statistics is information based on evidence. Evidence is data based on observations. Observations are performed by humans. Humans make mistakes. Mistakes are circumstances of poor planning. Poor are trapped by poor planning by ancient civilisations lacking the vision to see a world not trapped by observations. When we can't see problems, and when the poor can't see solutions. Ignorance reigns.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

pities the wolf. how he now bends and begs. rolls over and plays dead.
pities is caveman. how he now bends and begs. rolls over and plays dead.

What is this but a progression to immateriality.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

World Leaders

While authority is a liability to ones morality. Supremacy the finale of the cowardly.